My Commonly-Used Shortcuts
Shortcut |
Description |
Ctrl + K + S |
List all shortcuts |
Alt + ⇧ |
Move line up. |
Alt + Shift + ⇧ |
Copy above. |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Put multi-cursor at all occurences of current selections |
Ctrl + C/X |
Copy/Cut line |
Ctrl + Shift + K |
Delete line |
Ctrl + (Shift) + Enter |
Insert line (above) or below |
Ctrl + (K) + Shift + [/] |
Fold/Unfold (sub) region |
Ctrl + Shift + E |
Focus on file explorer |
Ctrl + ` |
Focus on Terminal |
Alt + z |
Toggle word-wrap |
Ctrl+K V |
Markdown side-by-side preview |
Collapse all |
CTRL + M + O |
Expand all |
CTRL + M + L |
Expand all and disable outlining |
CTRL + M + P |
Collapse/expand the current section |
CTRL + M + M |
Ctrl + P |
Find by file name |
Ctrl+Shift+[ |
Fold (collapse) region editor.fold |
Ctrl+Shift+] |
Unfold (uncollapse) region editor.unfold |
Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ |
Fold (collapse) all subregions editor.foldRecursively |
Ctrl+K Ctrl+] |
Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions editor.unfoldRecursively |
Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 |
Fold (collapse) all regions editor.foldAll |
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J |
Unfold (uncollapse) all regions |
Ctrl+Shift+\ |
Goto matching bracket/brace |
My Keybindings.json File
{ "key": "ctrl+`", "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup", "when": "terminalFocus" },
{ "key": "ctrl+`", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus", "when": "!terminalFocus" }
Terminal settings in settings.json
"": "C:\\windows\\Sysnative\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
"": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"